100pct American Teen, Scene #05

Passageway by Joe had been waiting for an opening and he expected to record this moment in his journal toimprove on it. On a bench in the park, he found the perfect scene of a lovely young lady in a yellow dress about to take the stage. This was the cue for his new song to be composed to the tune of the chirping crickets that surrounded him. The light in her eyes showed a glimpse of curiosity as she looked into the distance. She was set on overcoming all the challenges of life and her journey would begin now. She lay her hands over her buttoned coat, as if to comfort herself. She mustered up the courage to take her first step into the cold, cloudy morning and ventured past the walking path that led to the waterfall. Smiling, she pressed the play button on the cassette player. The soothing sound of the violin filled the air as she began to dance. Her brown hair flowed gracefully behind her as she twirled and leaped to the music. The spirits of the forest seemed to join her as the sunlight beamed through the leaves, casting a ray of light on her face. This brought back memories of her childhood; when she would spend hours playing in the meadow with the other children. She remembered the laughter and joy, the feeling of freedom and love. Today she would once again feel such joy, albeit alone. She waltzed with the wind, her dress rising and falling in a beautiful rhythm. In the midst of her dance, she realized she belonged to the earth. She was as much a part of it as the flowers and trees. The water, the soil, and the sky were all part of her. And she was part of them; a never-ending cycle of growth, beauty, and life. Thinking of her recent heartaches and disappointments, she left them behind and embraced the love that surrounded her. She knew now that she was never alone, never forgotten. She was a part of something much bigger, much grander than herself alone. She mingled with the spirits of the forest and danced to the rhythm of the earth. She felt alive and free, surrounded by the love and joy that enveloped her. Gone was the look of fear and doubt in her eyes. She found peace and happiness in the music, the dance, and the sunlight. She had forgotten her worries and her pain, and found solace in the beauty of the world around her. The meadow seemed brighter, the trees more welcoming. She twirled and danced, her heart full of love and gratitude. She knew she had found her place in the world, her purpose. She was not just a girl in a yellow dress, but a part of something much bigger, much grander. She was a part of the earth, the sky, the water, and the trees. She was a part of the love that surrounded her, the beauty that enveloped her. And in that moment, she was truly alive. In her dance, she felt the spirit of the forest, the heartbeat of the earth. She felt the love and the joy of creation, the beauty and the grace of existence. She was a part of it all, and it was a part of her. And in that moment, she was more alive than ever before. She was the girl in the yellow dress, dancing in the meadow, surrounded by love and beauty and life. Today was the beginning of a new chapter in her life, a chapter filled with love and joy and peace. She knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she was not alone. She was a part of something much bigger, much grander. She was a part of the earth, the sky, the water, and the trees. She was a part of the love that surrounded her, the beauty that enveloped her. She was the girl in the yellow dress, dancing with the spirit of the forest, the heartbeat of the earth. And she knew, in that moment, that she was exactly where she was meant to be. She was alive, and she was free. She danced and danced until she could dance no more, and then she sat down on the soft grass and closed her eyes. And in that moment, she felt the love and the joy and the beauty of the world around her. And she knew that, no matter what came her way, she would always have the strength and the courage to overcome it. And as she opened her eyes and looked out at the world before her, she knew that she was ready for whatever came next. Because she was the girl in the yellow dress, dancing with the spirit of the forest, the heartbeat of the earth. And she was exactly where she was meant to be. She was alive, and she was free. She was, and would always be, herself. And she smiled, and went on her way. If peace and love are the same faction of life, then she had discovered both. Is love, life? She whispered to the wind. And the wind whispered back: Yes. Callie had found her new love, and she loved life. She was the girl in the yellow dress, and she was ready to face the world. The End. ABOUT THE AUTHOR I am a writer, an artist, a thinker of thoughts. I love to write, to read, and to create. I am passionate about life, and the world. I believe in the power of love, and the beauty of nature. I am inspired by the people I meet, the stories I hear, and the places I go. I am, and will always be, myself. And I am ready to face the world. My name is Callie, and I am the girl in the yellow dress. And my journey has only just begun. TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT, FOLLOW ME IN MY NEXT NOVEL, "THE WIND WHISPERS BACK". THANK YOU FOR READING. THE END. Author: A.M. Link. New York, 2014. 7:00 AM. Dawn. WILDFLOWERS, JOHNSON COUNTY, TEXAS. WEB: www.amlink.com For more about the author, see: www.amlink.com And my other novels at: www.amlink.com TRANSLATOR: If you are interested in translating this book, please contact my agent at www.amlink.com for more information. Good luck. And enjoy your journey. CALLIE: The Girl In The Yellow Dress. © 2014 A.M. Link. All rights reserved. MADE IN THE USA. PRINTED IN THE USA. PUBLISHED BY: A. M. LINK. LOOK FOR MY UPCOMING NOVEL, "THE WIND WHISPERS BACK". THANK YOU FOR READING. The End. TAKE CARE. BYE. EXAMPLE: CALLIE THE GIRL IN THE YELLOW DRESS, A NOVEL BY A.M. LINK. The wind whispered back. She was alive. She was ready. And she was, herself. And here, her story begins. CALLIE: - THE GIRL IN THE YELLOW DRESS - ISBN: 000-0-00-00000-0 © 2014 A.M. LINK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. WILDFLOWERS, JOHNSON COUNTY, TEXAS. PRINTED IN THE USA. PUBLISHED BY: A.M. LINK. WEB: www.amlink.com TRANSLATORS: IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN TRANSLATING, PLEASE CONTACT MY AGENT. THANKS, AND ENJOY. BY A.M. LINK, Layla's new novel, "THE WIND WHISPERS BACK" THANKS FOR READING, AND GOOD LUCK. THE END. TAKE CARE. 'BYE. Copyright © 2014 A